My 4.5 y/o lab mix had a rough bout of Pancreatitis last week, was hospitalized for two days (IV and Fluids, Barium test in case of foreign object, etc.). She started Phenobarbital last year for seizures.
Initially we brought her in Thursday afternoon, after she started vomiting on Wednesday. They gave her fluids and sent her home. on Friday evening she was still not holding down water, so the vet hospital admitted her The vet confirmed today that he did not give her Phenobarbital while she was in the vet hospital (she normally gets two pills a day, but maybe he forgot? not sure). She came home on Sunday and so far has been doing much better. She's on antibiotics and Pepcid AC, and we started her phenobarbital as usual. She's eating her bland chicken/rice diet, seems happy, wagging her tail, and trying to play. All good.
The question I have, is that she seems wobbly/a bit uncoordinated in her back legs at times. She's also going through episodes of anxiousness. It's similar to when she first got on the phenobarbital last year (the adjustment period).
The vet said that with the half life of phenobarbital, she shouldn't have incoordination from readjusting, but in online research I see the half life can be anywhere from 30-75 hours (she was off of it for 3 full days). The vet also is saying the antibiotics shouldn't cause the incoordination or anxiety in her.
I keep thinking, she hasn't eaten much, she's just starting to eat now, she's back on her meds, all of that may be contributing to her actions. The vet's only response is to bring her in for a recheck (he doesn't know what could be causing it), but with the hospital time and just getting out, I don't want to continue to bring her back and forth to stress her.
Has anyone had any similar experiences, or have any input?